
Enable Plack with Koha and improve the performance

Plack is a performance booster for Perl web applications. Plack can enhance the speed of Koha while various operations. Plack requires Apache 2.4.10+ and can enable with Koha installed in Debian 8 (Jessie) / Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. 

Apply following commands after the installation of Koha:

sudo su
sudo koha-plack --enable library
sudo koha-plack --start  library
sudo service apache2 restart

Note: Plack creates cache for speed. Make sure the PC has good amount of RAM, if you are going to enable Plack.


1 comment:

  1. Even at 4GB host memory (windows 7 64 bit), Guest VM(VMware 2GB RAM) I have got excellent speed. Thanks VIMALKUMAR.... Salute to you
