
How to setup plugin system in Koha

Koha plugins allow users to add additional tools/features. We have to make some changes in Koha installation. Follow the steps to get ready Koha to facilitate plugins, Open a Terminal and execute following commands,

Create a directory for plugins,

sudo mkdir /var/lib/koha/plugins
cd /var/lib/koha
sudo chmod -R 755 plugins

Open the following file using your default text editor (e.g. Gedit, Mousepad)

sudo mousepad /etc/koha/sites/library/koha-conf.xml

Find the following lines in the file,

Change the value, 0 to 1 

Change the value, 1 to 0 

Save and close the file. 
Restart Apache,

sudo service apache2 restart

Goto Koha > Tools, and find Plugins.
You can upload and run plugins from here.
Please find few Koha plugins from the following link,



  1. Thanks .It works fine .The Plugin system is now enabled in our Koha 3.12 software system.
    Is there any plugin KPZ file available for catalogue card printing ?

  2. Very interesting! :) But this doesn't fit with current package koha-common installation, and:
    is very risky to put 777 permissions to a folder, it should be only to koha users (for each instance):
    Alias /plugin/ "/var/lib/koha/INSTANCE/plugins"
